Discuss with Deepti Bhatnagar and Sandeep Sadh and Lucy Roychoudhury CEO Runwal Bliss by Propi

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Event details
Duration: 1 hours
Status: Registration
Event date: Thu, 07 May 2020
Start Time: 06:00 PM
Event End date: Thu, 07 May 2020
End Time: 07:00 PM
Event overview
There are a lot of questions which are arising due to the lock down in the real estate sector.

Real estate is not a small investment and it has to be taken seriously. It’s a part of your entire life time earning and you must take expert advise from people who are experienced.

Today I want to introduce you to Mr.Sandeep Sadh who owns companies like www.mumbaipropertyexchange.com and www.realestatemumbai.com
He has also been a columnist in Times of India - Times Property and he still writes on current affairs in real estate.
So what are the issues one faces and what are the questions staring at our faces today?
1. If I am occupying a rented flat, and during this lock down should I be paying rent?
2. What is the government policy come out, I heard something like 3 months rent waiver or deferred rent allowance?
3. Will the property market crash!
4. Shall I sell my real estate investments now and consolidate ?
5. Will the rent market go up or down?
Event Categories
WebinarMarket OverviewLiquidityRERAFinanceKnowledgeCurrent Affairs
Organised By: Propi
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Propi is a platform which connects Channel Partners together with each other and Developers and its Sales Team with Channel Partners in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Propi has more than 36000 Channel Partners and 18000 + Maha RERA registered Channel Partners.
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