Adity Virwani

Chief Operating Officer at Embassy Industrial Parks
Adity Virwani
About Adity Virwani

Everything that the Embassy Group stands for today and aspires for tomorrow is born of a vision. A mindset that draws lessons from the past and looks...

WebinarWebinarFinanceMarket OverviewCurrent Affairs

Duration: 2 hours
Status: Registration
Event date: Sat, 02 May 2020
Start Time: 05:00 PM
Event End date: Sat, 02 May 2020
End Time: 07:00 PM
Events featuring Adity Virwani
List of Events where Adity Virwani has participated as a Panelist.

Decoding the success DNA 02 May

  • Sat, 02 May 2020
  • 2 hours

Everything that the Embassy Group stands for today and aspires for tomorrow is born of a vision. A mindset that draws lessons from the past and looks...

WebinarFinanceMarket OverviewCurrent Affairs